Booking a Bike

Ablauf der Ausleihe

How to start

  • In the lower part of this site you can find the booking form. It is only visible when you're logged in with your Uni-account (top right).
  • Please book a bike 24h in advance.
  • Fill in the form, note our rental conditions and privacy policy.
  • Send the form and wait for our confirmation. We'll choose the right bike for you, but in principle they're all very similar.
  • We send you and email on which you have to answer to confirm your booking (so don't forget to check your mails).
  • Prices: 2€/day or 35€/month (plus 2€ booking fee for each booking).

Pick up your bike

  • Pick up the bike at the appointed time in the bike workshop at E1 (entry only from outside of the E-building).
    In case you don't know how to find us, check "Where to find us?" on the left.
  • Come by, check the bike, sign the rental contract, pay the fees and deposit (50€) and you're ready to ride!

How to use your bike

  • Cycle as much as you can!
  • Treat the bike with care. For example you have to always lock the bike! You find more information about your obligations in the rental conditions
  • The bikes ar always serviced in between rentals. Should you find anything to be defect or accidentally brake anything about your bike, please contact immediately.

Bring back your bike

Bring your bike back to the bike workshop at E1 on the last day of your rental.

We'll check the bike and hand you back your deposit.